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A member registered Sep 03, 2020

Recent community posts

Im dumb and don't know how patreon works, but if I go become a patreon does that mean that I have to pay every month to get the game early or is it a one time payment thing?

I honestly have no idea why I replied on this game instead of LEWD MOD.  LMAO. But, thanks for the info! Love the game so far! Keep it up

Man, that sucks. I wont be able to play this game anymore. :(

I love the game so much that I bought it. Do I have to buy te game everytime a new chapter/day goes out?

Im on day 74 right now, and I can't seem to unlock the rest of the gallery, I've already unlocked the first 9 scenes. Any tips on how to unlock page 2 scene 4 onwards in the gallery?

I'm on 0.30 btw. Since for some reason update 3.2 is buggy in android

Sweet! Thanks!

Finally working for me! Thanks!

Can someone please direct me to alternate downloads? Been trying to install the game but it always says app not installed, even if I download it from computer to ellphone

Same issues, man. No one has replied yet. :(

same issues. :( Commenting so I get notified when there's a reply to this

I wanna play this game but it doesn't work on my android phone. :( No other device so I can't play. HOWEVER, I really love the artstyle the game has! Really well done on that end. maybe once I get a new device or PC, I'll try the game out and comment on it again

Thanks for the tip! I actually found the answer already thanks to the peeps over at discord. Loved the game so far can't wait for a new update.

Hello! I can't seem to find the other girls I'm on version 0.24 and it's my first time playing the game. I can't seem to find tsukiko and another girl beside shiela. Any tips on how to find them? Been going around places in different times for about an hour now and still can't find them. Any tips would be great